Favorite Classes

kent hance headshot

BA 4100 - Seminar in Business Leadership

BA 4100 is a business leadership lecture taught by Chancellor Kent Hance. I enjoy this class because it feels useful to my everyday life. I also love the class because I respect the professor, Mr. Hance.

In his class, we learn important life skills such as: time management, communication, networking, and problem-solving skills.

bob schaller headshot

MCOM 1301 - Digital & Social Media

Another one of my favorite classes was MCOM 1301, which was taught by Dr. Bob Schaller. This was a lecture that introduces the rise of social and digital media in today's world. I liked this class because it was interesting and pertained to my career path.

In the class, we learned material such as:
Big data
Internet credibility
Media usage
Online personal branding

cam stone headshot

CMI 3315 - Introduction to Web Design

Another favorite class of mine is CMI 3315, which is taught by Dr. Cam Stone. This class is an introductory web design class that covers basic HTML and CSS. I like this class because it's of interest to me and it will most likely use it in my dream career.

In the class, we learned: